Entries by Susan Lyon

Summer Reading 2019

We’re back with a new set of summer reading. Seems like everyone we know has a little more downtime in the summer (even working-outside-the-home parents). Here’s our set of recs, and, in case you don’t believe us, we always have a link to major news site’s review. The Mermaid and Mrs. Hancock by Imogen Hermes […]

Netflix and Chill: Comedy

Sebastian Maniscalco: Aren’t you Embarrassed? New York Times Review Sebastian Maniscalco is a half-Italian, half-Sicilian American-born Chicago native, and, man, does all that show in this special. The honesty in his comedy and the pride he has for his upbringing comes through this quality set of jokes and stories. He looks like he belongs on […]

Winter 2018 Rainy Day Reads

We couldn’t decide on the winter equivalent of a beach read. It couldn’t be snow related—it’s a push to call this time of year in San Diego “winter” as it stands. We settled on the optimistic, in drought-ridden California, with the hope that our winter would provide some rainy days. These are some of our […]

Maybe the End of the World Won’t Be So Bad

The Last Policeman trilogy by Ben H. Winters Wired review With the latest climate change report out, we’re not sure whether this will lead to a boost in the sales of apocalyptic fiction or a downturn. If you’re in the mood for some beautiful meditations on the meaning of life and work against a background […]

Foreign Adventures at Home

If your summer vacation was relaxing, but didn’t let you see the world in a big way, we have some Netflix/Hulu/Amazon Prime suggestions to fill the gap. The Time In Between NY Times Watching We had a lot of fun watching this soapy Spanish show. The star, Adriana Ugarte, does a great job with this […]

Summer 2018 Beach Reads

We read a lot for fun, for work, and just to get some different perspectives. As much as we love to read on airplanes and in hotels, it’s pretty great to stretch out and read at the beach. Summer opens up some time for recreational reading for all of us, so we thought we’d provide […]